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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How to select a business name and domain ?

"Many don't pay much attention to this key component of business, and later on

face the consequences


Is the Business Name = to Domain?

Legally this need not be true, but in reality in today's digital world, I would say business name  = domain.

Let's take an example Google & Apple,  when they started had domain names = business names, with an exception of a few words like llc, inc  (was added to it; for legal purposes.)

My conclusion, in today's world, a business name should be  = domain.

Most companies have a legal name but publicize a business name which is a DBA ( Doing Business As) - This is a US practice and may not be allowed in some countries.


What is a Business Name ?


"A trade name, trading name, or business name is a pseudonym used by companies to perform their business under a name that differs from the registered, legal name of the business." - Google definition.

example : Apple inc.


What is a Domain ? 


"Domain Name System, or DNS, is the friendly naming system for giving addresses to web servers and web pages. Somewhat like international phone numbers, the domain name system gives every server a memorable and easy-to-spell address. Simultaneously, the domain names hide the really technical IP address which most viewers aren't interested in" lifewire definition.

Example :


Should a Domain name be ending with a .com  or does it matter?


Though it reality it does not matter that much; In the US, people have come to identify that .COM is somewhat a superior product for business compared to other extensions like .US, .ORG, .NET and 100's more extensions. .org is popular with government and social organizations and non-profits. So should the business domain end with a .com ? My answer is YES for the US market.

But, in some countries their local domain extension might be a better choice.  like in Sri Lanka, extension .lk is equally preferred to .com.


Should my business name be associated with my product / service?


The old thinking was YES. but, in today's digital world - its better to select a name which means nothing or something people are familiar with ( like apple orange, name of a flower etc) but should NOT be associated with the product or the service. (exceptions to this rule : a Mom and Pop Business, shop front, Professional businesses like Lawyers, Dentist etc. ).      

Examples : Apple, Walmart, Amazon, Target, Mcdonald, Samsung - never refer to the products in their business names. otherwise Mcdonald should be HumburgerDonald.

Why is this important?
Lets say, one wants to start a travel agency business, and decides to name the business Global Travel and Services Inc. and buys an associated domain Six months down the road, a client cancels saying your reputation in the internet is not good. You wonder why ? because you have not done anything wrong. Then out of curiosity, you google your business name. Then you find 1000's of negative remarks popping up - because there are 100's of travel agencies with similar names and their dirty baggage is being tied to your Business Name/Domain. The only option now you have, is to change your name.

But, if you choose a unique name and do a google search, you will see there is no negativity associated with your Business Name - (other than the ones you create 😊)

Further, if someone is googling your Business Name which is unique you might end up on the first page of the search, though you have not even started your SEO (Search Engine Optimization), work.

So my answer is NO. it should not be.
Having said that, if I am selling flowers and I am lucky to get the domain . I will go for it.


Should my business name / Domain be long or short?

It should not be more than 10 words. 


NAME = DOMAIN = LESS THAN 10 WORDS = AVAILABILITY in .com = not equal to business name = easy to remember = No dirty baggage associated with name = main social sites name availability = WILL I ever find a business name ?


Yes, if you have a little assistance, from and a lot of patience. You might walk way with a very good name, that has a .com domain availability.

Tools you will need:

1. BULK domain name Search tool - Link

2. A Domain registrar to purchase the domain - Link

3. A Hosting company to host the domain, web site , email and other services - Link

4. LOADS of coffee and tons of patience. Link

and LOTS of luck

GOOD LUCK with your company.



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